VEGAMAG 83 Magnetic Indicator and Bypass Bridle Chamber

Pair with the VEGAPULS non-contact radar for processes with low dielectric constant values, cryogenic applications, or light hydrocarbon to accurately track the metallic float top of liquids. The chamber’s compact design leads to easier and more lightweight installation.

Measuring Range 15m
Process Temp -195 to 450C (-319 to 842 F)
Accuracy +/-10mm / +/-0.4″


Application area

The VEGAMAG 83 is ideal for processes with low dielectric constant values, cryogenic applications, or light hydrocarbons. The chamber’s compact design provides a smaller installation envelope and lighter weight for easier mounting. The VEGAMAG 83 pairs with a non-contact VEGAPULS radar instrument in the same chamber as the magnetic float. By using this unique design, the radar is able to track the metallic float top rather than the liquid surface.

Additional information
